Saturday 4 February 2017

Living with an infant: 4 months old today!

I am so grateful to God my son has made it to 4 months!!!
Thank you Jesus.
Before starting this post I literally googled 'What age is considered an infant' because I'm sure my boy has passed the newborn stage!
So what google told me was newborn is from birth to 2 months. An infant is from 3 months to 1 year old.. Then baby is considered a toddler.
So.. I've had to change my title from newborn to infant lol.
Anyway. What a month it has been. My son is changing and maturing and becoming a little mister. Throughout this month I have seen him develop.. He's becoming more interactive-- he's realizing the use of his hands.. Beginning to grip things-- he's making a lot more sounds now-- getting very vocal, smiling a lot more, he's doing this thing now that when he lies down he is lifting up his upper body to try and get up-- a very good sign! It means his muscles are getting stronger.
He's spending more time on his tummy... His neck is still a teeny bit wobbly but he can hold it up by himself.
A lot of changes in the past month and I can only thank God for continuing to be with us as he matures.
As for the sleeping.. It is getting a lot better. He still fights though. This boy did not want to sleep last night.. He was obviously tired but didn't decide to fall asleep until 2:30 this morning.
Like, really?!
I don't know what kids think they're missing when they fall asleep.. Honestly.
But he is continuing to self soothe.. Occasionally I need to rock him a bit until he gets drowsy.. Then I put him down and he falls asleep on his own.
I'm really hoping by the time he's 5 months the sleeping is mastered and he can sleep through the night. He still wakes up in the night to feed-- but that has decreased too-- he wakes up only twice.. Before it was at least 5 or 6.
So that's improving too thank God.
Since putting Jeremiah on the infant milk he has adjusted to the bottle so praise God weaning shouldn't be too hard now. And no reactions to the milk so that's good. I have a health visitor appointment in 3 weeks so we will see how his weight will be then.
I believe that is all! I can't wait to see how much he develops in this month-- the only thing I'm not looking forward to is his injections.. But the good side is after this lot of injections he won't have it again until he's 12 months.
God continue to be with us, amen.

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