Tuesday 28 February 2017

The many roles of motherhood


Becoming a mother is not easy-- and there are many other parts that we have to play. We're not just a mother, we are wives, partners, friends, and most of all, we are women.

As a mother there are people who expect so much from us-- we have to be able to handle our children well, support our partners, and on top of that we need to look good otherwise we will definitely be looked down upon.

I understand that because as we have children, we are their role models so we must be able to be a good example-- but being able to juggle all of these roles is not easy and it takes the strength of God to be able to do it.

But from when you become a mother, you can see that you CAN do it-- it can get stressful at times, yes, everyone around can frustrate you at times yes-- because they don't know how you're feeling, what you're thinking about and all of the other million things that are running through your mind-- and even if you try to break it down and explain, they may say 'I understand' but they really don't! As a mom, there is so much weight on you-- but God knows why he has made you into a mother-- he knows you can handle it-- he has given this child to you to be their guardian here on earth-- he knows why he has done it.

So there is no need to fret! Your child is a blessing. You are a great mother. It's ok to make mistakes-- it's ok to feel tired-- you are only human. The biggest thing I have learned with becoming a mother is you really do need a good unit of support around you-- even if you are a single mother, still, your support unit must be there even if it's not immediate family.

There is so much that you can do by yourself-- just small things like popping out to the shop to get some food for the baby or picking up some stuff from the house, it all helps in the biggest of ways.

But I applaud all of the mothers out there-- it is not easy because we have so many roles to play as women. But at the end of the day, we get it done!

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