Tuesday 28 July 2015


Over the past weekend I've been learning in depth about forgiveness.

It has really sunken in.. and I know there are things I have yet to let go.

It's hard. I won't lie to you. It's so easy to say 'Just forgive.. let it go'

But there are so many things that people have done to you that have caused so much pain.. so much hurt.. that sometimes you can't even bare to speak or even see the person. Even to look at them, it's too painful.

Some people manifest their lack to forgive by being bitter; or intentionally doing things to make that person feel the way they feel. Or some people do nothing at all. They just hold onto it.. and allow the pain to manifest within them.

It's not good for you. 

Forget what they did. You don't deserve such pain. Why are you holding onto it? What is it doing for you?
Let it go.. if you need to go to that person and apologize to them for holding so much against them.. 
Hug them.
Tell them you love them.

Unforgiveness will get you nowhere. Trust me. 
Forgiveness is a tool that we are meant to harbour and use. 
It is hard. But do it. And see how different you'll feel.


Tuesday 21 July 2015

Thankful Tuesday

Looking at the beautiful blue skies with the fluffy clouds...
The breeze blowing calmly over my face..

I know everything is in line.

My heart may be heavy... My mind may be in overdrive... But

I am blessed. You are blessed.

There is hope in the storm.
All the tribulations and persecutions are part of the process of life and necessary for the journey.


Tuesday 14 July 2015

Easier said than done

Have you ever gotten to a point where encouragement no longer encourages you, or when you receive encouragement, it is so easy to hear it.. but to go all out and apply it to YOUR life is proving difficult? Someone tells you to 'Get up and move' or 'Make a move...' but you just can't do it?

Have you ever gotten to that point? Were you able to pass through it?

Sometimes in life.. there are things that we don't want encouragement for.. but rather we want answers. And we want them now.

Wherever we find ourselves in.. have you ever thought to yourself 'God.. what do you want me to learn out of this?' or 'God.. what are you trying to bring to my attention?' Because everything that happens in our lives.. God has allowed it to happen.. the good and the bad.

But we are so quick to come out of the bad that we don't actually have the time to be still.. and wonder what we need to get out of it.

God speaks to us all the time.. but do we hear him? We are too distracted by the multitude of thoughts in our minds.. to all of the other external distractions that we don't even seek for his counsel. Sometimes God wants you to himself.

There's so much that we can be encouraged about.. but until we decide to get up.. we will stay in the same place.

There's a lot of things that are said to us that seem so easy to say.. but to actually do them is a completely different story.

But... I know it's not coincidental.. whenever I'm troubled I'm always reminded in Philippians 4:6



It's the best thing to do.

In everything. Pray.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Who do you run to?

Do you ever think to yourself.. The people that you run to for help, who do they run to when they need help? Who is their person that they can rant to; that they can unload to?
A lot of the time we are so engrossed in our problem that we don't think about what anyone else is going through.
We are human yes. We do get caught up in the moment.. Yes. But after everything is said and done.. You've unloaded your burden.. But what about them?

They have solved your issue.. But what about theirs?
We are all meant to help each other..

Just some food for thought...

Wednesday 8 July 2015

It's not always about you

I am learning so much in this life that always thinking about yourself doesn't get you:


But when you think of others, it will come back to you; my spiritual father, Pastor Abbeam Ampomah Danso always says 'When you do good, you do it for yourself'. 
When you think of others with a kind heart, not expecting, and not doing it just for show, you will see at the time you least expect, somebody will remember you and it will be at the time you need it the MOST.

Has it happened to you before?

It's good to be a little selfish, in terms of taking care of yourself and your well being.. yourself comes first in some aspects, but it should not be COMPLETELY about you all the time! Too much of everything is bad; when was the last time you thought to check up on someone? When was the last time you helped someone in need? Offered a helping hand? A shoulder to lean on?

All of these things that seem very small, are actually the biggest things in the eyes of a lot of people. The fact that you have decided today, you are sacrificing yourself, your time, energy.. whatever the case maybe just for another person; it's more than a blessing.

We are living in a world where, unfortunately, people are caring less and less, and becoming more and more selfish-- but don't get me wrong, there are the minority of people that help and spend their time helping and supporting the wellbeing of others.

But think to yourself, what do you fall under?

Saturday 4 July 2015

Unseen Beauty

I stare into your eyes

The window to your soul

I stare into your eyes

You are in total control.

The others bypass your glorious beauty

But they don't see what I see

It's not your duty--

It's not their fault if they can only look

at the outward appearance.

They are blinded by the temporary mask

It's no bother to try and even ask--

if they will ever like you.

I remember the late night talks we had before

You spilling out your heart

Your soul

Your entire core.

The times we spent together, you crying on my shoulder.

I couldn't believe you can't see your beauty

As for me, I see the true you

You're loving, caring, and generous

It's finally due

to be with you.