Wednesday 19 September 2018

A letter to my Son (Part 2)

If you want to read part one, it's HERE.

Dear Matthew,

I've only known you for 5 months-- but I have fallen in love all over again. Despite me forgetting a lot of how to take care of a new born, everyday I am being reminded because obviously, your older brother went through the exact same process as you! Meeting milestones, growing month after month-- the first smiles, the rolls, eating solids, crawling-- and I'm already experiencing some with you!

You are so different from your brother-- but that is to be expected because you are two different people!(babies, lol) I can't wait for your personality to truly unfold and I get to see your character in full! I can already get a hint of how you are, but when you start crawling and becoming more independent-- I can't wait.

You were a very big surprise for mummy-- but I am so happy God has blessed me with you. It can be challenging at times with handling you and your brother-- I have my days where I'm down and I even question my ability; but just to see you and your brother smiling and laughing-- it means I am definitely on the right track!

The first time I heard you laugh.... MY HEART! And the fact it was the first time and I heard it first, it was a very beautiful moment for mummy! I almost cried!

What caused my heart to just burst is when you look at your older brother and smile at him. Even though you are only 5 months at the moment, I know you know that is your brother and  you love him!
I can already foresee that you guys will be best friends... you will quarrel.. and you will disagree... but at the end of the day, you guys will always have each other's backs.

I can't wait to see how God is going to use you my son..
Mummy loves you so much
