Tuesday 28 July 2015


Over the past weekend I've been learning in depth about forgiveness.

It has really sunken in.. and I know there are things I have yet to let go.

It's hard. I won't lie to you. It's so easy to say 'Just forgive.. let it go'

But there are so many things that people have done to you that have caused so much pain.. so much hurt.. that sometimes you can't even bare to speak or even see the person. Even to look at them, it's too painful.

Some people manifest their lack to forgive by being bitter; or intentionally doing things to make that person feel the way they feel. Or some people do nothing at all. They just hold onto it.. and allow the pain to manifest within them.

It's not good for you. 

Forget what they did. You don't deserve such pain. Why are you holding onto it? What is it doing for you?
Let it go.. if you need to go to that person and apologize to them for holding so much against them.. 
Hug them.
Tell them you love them.

Unforgiveness will get you nowhere. Trust me. 
Forgiveness is a tool that we are meant to harbour and use. 
It is hard. But do it. And see how different you'll feel.


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