Thursday 9 February 2017


There comes a time in your life where you need to move to the next level. I am a prime example of wanting to stay where I am comfortable-- but comfortability does not bring success; it rather stunts your growth and delays your progress.

It's so easy to be in a place where we are comfortable-- but before you realise a decade has passed and what have you done with your life? It's good to take a look at your life and evaluate what needs to be changed so that you can continue to strive to newer and bigger levels.

What we like to do as human beings-- and I am the first guilty person-- we love to make excuses to why we should remain in our comfort. 'Oh, it's better I stay here because I know everything that I need to do' 'I like it here, I don't need to move' But we DO need to move. We DO need to get to places where we don't know exactly what we are doing-- but this gives us the opportunity to learn and to add to what we already know. Once that happens, you've gained more experience for your life and it betters you as a person.

Don't you ever get to a point where you become uncomfortable? When you feel like that-- it means it's time to move on; do not ignore that urge because you must always be moving to new levels throughout your life, it is a sign that you are progressing.

This doesn't mean however, that you should compare yourself to other people and make rash decisions. There are times where you are meant to be in a place for a significant amount of time before you move to another level-- everyone is different, and everyone's experiences are different. The most important thing to do is take your time, follow your instincts-- when it's time to move you will know.

Don't be afraid to jump out of that comfort zone and be elevated-- your elevation means you are taking the right risks and movements to reach success.

Move from where you are to somewhere better and conquer your fears.

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