Tuesday 21 February 2017

Living with an infant: Co sleeping

Co-sleeping was something that was really frowned upon when I was leaving the hospital after I had my son. When I was waiting to be discharged, we had to attend a talk that went over everything from taking care of ourselves while we are healing (I had to get stitches because I tore a little when I gave birth) along with getting a lot rest while the baby is sleeping, feeding, etc.

Co-sleeping however was not encouraged, they made sure they said that make sure the baby is sleeping in a crib, feet touching the end and to be careful of covers in case they may suffocate themselves.

Now-- a brand newborn baby I understand because they're fresh-- they're tiny, they're fragile-- but it happens that they sleep better with mommy and daddy-- and a lot of people do it.

Me however... I didn't have a problem with him sleeping in his crib-- but now at 4 months, he still has his moments. There was one morning where I was so tired, I had my son on my chest because when he was around 2 or 3 months, that was his place to sleep-- his dad had gone to work, so I lay him next to me on a very flat pillow and boom-- he slept for about 4 hours straight.

Whaaat! And I think around that time that was the longest I had ever slept! lol But babies find the smell of their mother comforting so I think that was why he slept for so long-- but I was very happy about that! So almost every morning after his dad goes to work, he will sleep with me and we sleep really really well. lol

But if you know you're a very rigorous sleeper... you really should not co sleep with your child.... just to prevent any accidents.
Medical professionals like to scare new parents by throwing SIDS around (Sudden infant death syndrome), so for example you should never have your baby sleeping on their stomach, co sleeping is definitely not advised, no covers in the crib that can make them too hot-- I understand it is all for the safety of your child, but we as the parents know best and will do what works well for us.

I wouldn't advise co sleeping-- because there are dangers involved but if you happen to do it and it works for you-- go for it.

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