Wednesday 8 February 2017

Living with an infant: Sleeping update

I'm sure you all are wondering how I'm getting on with Jeremiah and his sleeping.

I'm happy to say it has improved tremendously. He still fights it from time to time, but it's not as long as before and he can doze off to sleep by himself. There's still times where he fights it so hard that I need to rock him in his car seat before he can start to doze.

He is weaned off me holding him so much.. I don't do it as much so the attachment isn't so strong. Jeremiah is a very cool, calm and collected baby and it started to change so I had to reverse that-- QUICKLY! 

But generally it is getting better and I'm not as tired as before thank God!

He still wakes up at night to breastfeed-- but he only wakes up about twice now-- it used to be a lot more-- which is also a dramatic improvement.

Not entirely sure when he will sleep solidly through the night but I am very happy with the improvement so far.

All I can say is praise God for the strength he has given me to do this and I can only pray for my son to continue to develop into a nice young gentlemen!

Amen! x

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