Tuesday 17 May 2011

Life: Predestined?

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

The matrix is one of my favourite movies. You know why? The way it's so ambiguous and the angle that you can relate it to isn't just one way.

I love that.

You know why I used this quote? Because of what Neo said. He said he doesn't like the idea that he's not in control of his own life.

Are you in control of your own life?

Yes, we are alive and we're living life each day, but are we actually in control? Do we know what will come out of living life? Do we even know what's going to happen tomorrow?
But truthfully, and I really believe that there is someone out there watching over us.. and guiding us.

I don't care how independent you are, and how much you've planned... sometimes things don't go according to plan, despite being 'independent' we all need help in some point in our lives.. we can't do everything alone, you know?

But don't you think life is more than this? That there is something you've been created to do.. yes you have your own desires and such.. but in a way your life has been written shall I say, for you?
But it's been written according to your strength, meaning what you've been destined to do.. you CAN do because it's been created for you.

I hope I haven't lost you.

My point: Life isn't just how you see it. It's for a purpose because you have something to fulfill. Whether you know or not, it's there and you need to complete it.

Just more thoughts...

God bless x

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