Saturday 14 May 2011

I got my mind made up!

I'm gonna lift up anyone that I get connected to!

I'm sorry, but I do not understand, sorry to say, the black community and why the mentality is so messed up!


How come when we see our own people, we're ashamed to even be in the same room as them? How come when someone is rising up, they want to pull them down?

I don't understand, we are not unified.. and we are not together, so how else are we gonna all make it?


Our mindset just needs to change... because we are so talented and so creative, so why are we destroying ourselves?

And don't you think when you make a decision to just encourage somebody, uplift somebody that we won't all be uplifted?

I always say whoever has the energy to plan, and gossip to destroy someone does not have anything to do, and that is just pointless.

We were created to make a change.. not to destroy.


God bless x

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