Tuesday 29 April 2014


I finally feel like.. I'm at some kind of peace in my head.

And I know it's God.. I do get the occasional thought here and there, but that's because of me. In all things we have to make some kind of effort before some kind of change or progression is happening.

My mind isn't as cluttered, and I'm a lot more clear with where I am in people's lives and what I bring.. as well as a whole bunch of other things..

When you know who you are.. you will never have a problem--  that always echoes in my mind, something my spiritual father says a lot, and it's so dang true!

I just hope I can maintain this and not have stupid mood swings and irrational moments.

...and I really want it to be Friday.. :D

1 comment:

  1. Peace is so sweet in a world where it's so rare! :)



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