Thursday 3 April 2014


Well.. I was reading some articles in the guardian on my phone..

And I came across two articles that struck up some questions in my mind.

One was about using ketamine to help treat depression..
And the other was one about children staying at home due to the smog that seems to be hovering around London.

Now, the whole Ketamine use thing-- Ketamine is a drug, we all know that, but the main worry I have is that they're going to upgrade it to a Class B drug because they are aware that it's caused psychological and physical harm to people who use it for recreation.. so what's stopping the people from being 'prescribed' Ketamine for their supposed 'depression' to abuse it and use it as recreation as well?

There's always pros and cons with drugs and being prescribed drugs, it's so easy to overdose, but at the same time they seem to help with certain sicknesses, YET they have serious side effects, for example, when taking the Ketamine, you're prone to vomiting, suicidal episodes, and anxiety. To me, when taking any type of medication or prescribed drug, I think the side effects overbear the actual reason why you're taking it to aid in helping rid of whatever you've been diagnosed with!
Depression though, I believe is a very varied psychological sickness and everyone reacts differently to drugs and treatment. But, who knows..


This smog came from nowhere. It is worrying because for the past couple of mornings it's been quite foggy, or misty rather, and there's a particular smell in the air, it's not sulfur, but it's that kind of smell, if that makes sense? It doesn't look good, and I really wonder what's going to happen-- we can't all just be cooped up in our houses due to polluted air? The air is already polluted due to bus and car fumes, cigarette smoke etc. But they're saying the air quality NOW due to the smog has been lowered.. and people with asthma or any other breathing complication will be affected...

Hm.. sometimes the news can be a little depressing at times to be honest! lol

On a lighter and brighter note, I have one more day left until I'm on break!!
And I'm very proud of myself this morning... I caught my train after a 2 minutes dash from the bus stop to the station, (I got off the bus at 7:18, and my train alights at 7:20, to leave for 7:21.)
Lawd! My legs were wobbly already because I was tired.. so I think I did well!

Looking to get back into swimming during this time off as well hopefully!


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