Monday 19 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Intuition

I'm sure God deposits something in all mothers in regards to their children.. So they can tend to their specific needs.
Through the night my darling boy has been a bit fussy with sleep.
I noticed that he sounded a bit snuffly.. His nose was bunged up with snot so I cleared it out for him and he fell asleep.
Funnily enough while he was asleep (I don't fall asleep straight away) I read an article on 'Ways to get your baby to sleep better' and one of the ways was to clean baby's nose; when they're snuffly they struggle to doze off to sleep.


He then woke up a little restless and wriggly.. So I decided to take him downstairs to calm him down. The room was a little warm, while downstairs was a little cooler. As soon as I sat with him downstairs and held him he started to nod off to sleep.

He's currently sleeping on my chest because that's where he seems most comfortable for now. He can sleep in his crib but it seems that's not his place of choice today!
This won't become a habit... Routine's have yet to be put in place..

But it's definitely important to be in tune with your intuition... It's always right.

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