Thursday 15 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Heightened maternal instincts

It is currently 5:23 in the morning and I had to just attend to my wailing 2 month old who I mistakenly woke up.
I was feeding him.. And he fell asleep. (Babies get drunk off breast milk lol)
I wanted to change him so that he would feel more comfortable-- which was a mistake-- he woke up upset and started crying up a storm for what felt like half an hour but was only a couple of minutes! The other half wasn't impressed but also needs to understand crying is the only form of communication that babies have at this age.
My heart literally melted. I felt so bad. I disturbed his breast milk drunken sleep. It reminded me of the episode of Friends when Rachel had her baby and woke her up and couldn't get her back to sleep.

After all of the 'shhh's' and rocking back and forth he dozed back off to sleep.
Knowing how my son is.. It was more than likely he was going to wake up again to feed.
In the space of about 10 minutes he woke up again for a feed!
I fed him.. And off to sleep he went again.

My son wakes up around 6; he is an earlybird-- not entirely sure if that will change in the coming months-- but my sleep is done with until later on in the day because he will wake up very soon. Lol

I already have a very good intuition... But with having this baby I have really been following on instinct and I have yet to be wrong.. It must be something that comes with being a mother. You get a very strong vibe when it comes to your child and when you go with it you will see that the vibe you got was accurate.
It can be from baby's clothes.. If they're comfortable.. If they don't like something..

It's quite cool if you ask me. Lol

Now.. Back to my youtube videos. :)

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