Friday 9 May 2014


I have so many questions in my mind right now.

Some may be able to be answered.. and I know some will not be.

Too many questions are flying around in my ahead about myself, the decisions I've made on my own accord.. and just so many things.

But funnily enough, I'm still at peace. Usually, when I get into modes like this, my mood drastically changes-- - (which it hasn't.. I'm just a little quiet), and I have this irritation in my chest, it's not like my chest hurts, but it's more like my heart hurts.. it doesn't make sense.. it doesn't physically hurt.. but.. there's just this kind of weight that I feel on it..

Only God and myself will understand.. don't worry if you don't. lol.

But yeah, other than that.. I'm ok.

I had the pleasure of catching up with my spiritual father earlier this week-- and I thank God because it was one of the things on my list to do this year.. and there's still more I need to tell him about..

I've just been really tired this week.. so I hope to kind of recuperate over the weekend..

No Flashback Friday this week...

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