Thursday 21 November 2013

Oh, the small things..

So... I'm on this downward spiral of internal meltdown because it seems as if nothing is going right for me.. but everything is ok for me?
It may not make sense to you.. but you're not in my shoes.. so... *boop* Sorry if it makes no sense..

Well anyway, the loan phone I got until I get my Sony back has now given up on life.. and has refused to accept any cable of charging ability.

So... back at square one: No phone.

I'm going back to the place today to see if anything can be done... or even (not possible though) I could get my phone back and I'll pay on Monday-- the guy told me that it would take 2 days for it to get fixed and I gave it in on Monday.. and it's Thursday..

But money talks.. so I have to wait until money drops on Monday.

Getting my hair done on Saturday.. I guess that'll be a pick me up.. sorta.

Still blogging from work.. Been in a very contemplative mood.. probably being a bit selfish too.. I've been in my own mind working out solutions to problems.

But funnily enough this morning when I was on my way to work.. I was so down it was unbelievable; and this old lady sits next to me on the train and we just strike up a conversation.. and when I'm about to get off.. she gives me two Maoam Sweets and goes 'Suck on those love, it'll get you through the day-- they're amazing'

lol. Made me giggle a bit.. and it did lift up my spirits a little

Didn't eat the sweets though.


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