Saturday 21 April 2012


You know when you do a lot in one day, or progress has been made with something!


It's just a nice thing to feeling to know you've done something, you know!

On another note, I was reading a scripture in Deuteronomy Ch10v16;

'Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no longer stubborn.'

This is the revelation I got when reading; what is the reason why men mainly circumcise their genitals? I had a look online, and there were three reasons:

-for an medical indication

-to prevent future disease

-as an act of religious dedication.

I'm excluding the religious dedication point because I'm explaining it in a different way. A lot of men, why they decide to do is solely because when they have foreskin, they need to make the extra effort for it to stay clean; otherwise it can lead to infection-- the point I'm focusing on is the second one; FUTURE disease, and the scripture is speaking to circumcise the foreskin of your heart.

If you don't circumcise that skin, your heart will be infected. Infected with all of the jealously, malice, hatred, unnecessary things that your heart or spirit don't need!

Do you kind of get where I'm getting at here?

The 'circumcision' is getting rid of what will make your heart hard..

Proverbs 28:14 says:

'Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.'

When your heart is hardened, it's a disease because you become heartless, emotionless, and you won't be able to get closer to God because of it...

I hope this makes sense... the point of this is to RENEW your heart, and clear out all of the unnecessary baggage and stress that we hold in our hearts.

Life is too short.



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