Tuesday 17 April 2012

Prayer changes things..

Look at it... the whole Muamba situation...

People like to question the subject of prayer and 'Why bad things happen to good people' Prayer is a genuine communication to God. It's as simple as that. If you don't pray, nothing happens. Nothing is protected. Nothing is dealt with.

But that was by the way.

I wanted to share something so small but so beautiful that happened to me today. At my workplace, on my work email; I have Ecclesiastes 3:11 in my signature, which is the scripture, 'He has made everything beautiful in its time' which I thought was a nice motto for the school, seeing as it's a primary school and they are here until they are 11 years old. Anyway, one of the parents I emailed previously, commented on the scripture and extended her love for the scripture and that she is in a prayer group for the school. We just had a little banter about the bible this morning but I loved how enthusiastic she was to find out there was another believer in her midst.

And that's how it should be. When brethren meet brethren there should be love.

One thing that got into my head was she said at first, the school didn't agree with having a prayer group but with persistence they found there way in and they're witnessing so many changes in the school.

It's a beautiful thing; and it's just NICE!

As for me and prayer, still intact but not as high as it should be; need to get back on my A game.

BUT Can I share a small testimony with you? A couple of weeks ago I had to pay a massive bill of £460. Do not ask. It was a bill for our beloved gas company, because I was moving so I had to get the last bill done and paid. I had ZILCH towards paying this bill. And do you know what happened? The day I got the bill I said to God, 'I need your help, because I don't know how I'm going to pay this bill' The next day (literally) I get a letter from EDF, because that was the company I was with at the previous place I was, and the letter said that I'm due for a refund. I call them now, and the refund is for £306! I had to say THANK YOU GOD! Because at least with that amount, my brother can put an extra £100 and something something pound, but the majority of what I needed was there in the £306 I got a refund for. But refund for what? Why was I even favoured a refund? I haven't lived in that previous property for a while. All I have to say is God is a true God. When you believe and trust in him.. you can't go wrong! I'm still baffled about the whole thing but... it just means God heard me.

Thought to share once again.


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