Thursday 12 January 2012

Do you ever wonder..

Why don't people like discussing about death, or about topics that aren't necessarily good conversation starters, but they are things that will possibly happen later in life?

Again.. Death.. why be afraid of the inevitable? It's going to happen anyway, so why fear it, or why delay it? You can't delay what's already going to happen.
I used to be afraid of it, but we're all going to be at that time so we might as well live our lives and do what we can as we're still alive.

Or to talk about our beliefs with other people.. there always seems to be a barrier when we're talking 'theologically' or 'philosophically' because of the fear of it turning it into an argument--the only reason why it would is because the people you are discussing it aren't open minded. It's not an insult, but when was the last time you've had an intellectual conversation with a group of your friends, that didn't end up in a dispute?

Just some things running through my mind..

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