Monday 15 August 2011

Thought spam of many..

I'm definitely going to have a lot of these..

But, I was just thinking.

Isn't it annoying as children of God, as believers in Christ to still be stuck in the same problems?


You're praying to God to do a new thing in your life, but the prayer is yet to be answered. It's not that God didn't hear you.. it's something to do you with YOU the person. Is there something that you have said to someone, and that person is holding onto it negatively? Are you grudging against someone else? Have you not repented over something you did a while ago and you didn't think God will know about it?

It's always good to check ourselves. I'm starting to do that regularly myself. Even the things we say, if we're not careful, it will cause God to delay our answers.. because God searches our heart before he releases. If he can see that there is still a little bitterness, or a little hatred or something that doesn't qualify for him to bless us.. he will give it to someone who is ready.

Really, we don't even qualify to call on God, but because of his grace, because of the sacrifice his son Jesus made...


My brain has been on overdrive lately... I will blog more..

Good night

God bless x

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