Friday 5 August 2011

Deep thought..

I have officially deemed myself the serial thinker.
My mind likes to drift to places..

Just now.. my mind has been drifting.

You know how you watch movies or you see television shows and they say that 'You don't really know a person' yet they've known that particular person for years?

Just been thinking, no one really knows WHO you really are. Yeah, they have an idea of your personality and your favourite things, favourite colours and all of that.. but they don't know YOU. They don't know you from within.

That's where God comes in.

But hold on, where I'm getting at is... your innermost thoughts.. and who you truly are.. no one really sees, because we hide behind masks and fake emotions to cover up who we really are.

But why do we do that?
Is it because if we lower that barrier, we will feel vulnerable? We will feel so much on show of our true selves?

It has nothing to do about being fake, it's more of a protection thing so that we don't get hurt?

Because I know my own family doesn't know me entirely.. the only person who truly knows is God because he's the one who created me.

My mind is drifting... and my heart is speaking. I'll take notes.

God bless

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