Friday 10 March 2017

The baby that cried itself to sleep

I had to pause flash fiction friday because this is something I must write down and I must articulate clearly.

Why do people judge almost instantly when they see something that they don't agree with?
On Wednesday evening I was on the bus making my way back home..

My son was crying in the buggy. The cry was continuous. To the point where he began to squeal and wail.

Before it got to that point mind you, I checked on him. He had been fed, cleaned and burped before I left where I was to get on the bus.

I checked something because my son is very much used to being carried and has developed an attachment to me which I am actively trying to break. Before I even move on.. Babies will of course form an attachment to their mothers.. But it's when they become overly attached and want you to hold them all the time is when it becomes a problem. So continuing the story... I slowly took off the plastic cover and pushed down the hood of the buggy and veered close to him as if I'm coming to pick him up.

He stopped crying instantly.

It's something he does at home as well. So what I do is leave him to cry it out.
The amount of dirty looks I received on the bus was ridiculous. I actually had a man approach me and tell me that my child is crying and that I should pick him up. If I gave in to to the pressure, I would have done so. But I won't do that because people have so much to say when they don't understand a damn thing.

I got on two buses and on both buses I checked him and he kept doing the same thing.
Eventually my son fell asleep.

I'm a new mom yes, but there is something that has been instilled in me before my son was even born and that is intuition. 

Before my son was born I went through a week of being in hospital and so much was declared about what was happening to me. 

But yet my son came healthy and happy.
How dare you tell me what to do with my own child. Do you live with me? Do you know how my child is on a day to day basis? 

No. You do not. So how do you feel you have a say in how I should heed to my child?
Yes you probably can't stand the crying, but I know why I am doing what I'm doing.

Plus, he's only 5 months old, unless I really do need to take him out I will, but there if there is no dire need, I won't.

If he was crying because he was hungry, and I had to whip my breast out, again I would still get funny looks so either way I can't win!

A lot of people disagree with the whole 'letting babies cry it out' but at the end of the day wasn't there a time that this method was actively being done?

I refuse for my child to be attached to my hip-- he will be a child that can be independent and that will also allow me to still get things done in the house.

When your child is overly attached to you.. It's very difficult; anyone you give him or her to, the child will cry for you and want you to hold them all the time-- and then what can you do?

Of course babies will have an attachment to their mothers, of course, but it shouldn't be so much that you can't even leave the room, get food, or even go to the toilet without him or her wailing until you get back.

So to all of the people that had something to say either out loud or in their minds and gave odd looks-- you don't live with me, you don't know my son. I have to even pose the question, do you even have children to understand where I'm coming from?

At the end of the day, I'm his mother and he is my son. End of.
When you have your own child you will understand for yourself.

Don't judge me, judge yourself.


  1. Hey hun! My newborn is 5 days old and I am 100% for the cry it out method. Babies are so used to being picked up and assessed and catered to whennnothing is bothering them. They will use that every chance they get ! True needs versus false ones are def intuitions and should be left to the parents to decide. Strangers don't know shit.

    Carry on and ignore them.


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