Wednesday 24 June 2015

'In your weakness lies your strength'

My spiritual father would say this so many times while he is preaching and I never understood it until JUST recently. It just dropped in my mind when I was thinking about it..

Can you imagine?

Your weakness tends to be looked at as something negative, right?
No. This is not the case! Your weakness is not something that should be looked down upon, or pushed at the back of the closet of your deepest darkest secrets.. (We all have that..)
But instead EMBRACE your weakness, because in it, your strength will also be found.

So lets have a little example; lets say, your 'supposed' weakness is women. Weakness being that you can't help to draw yourself close to a woman, or you just love being around women...
Your strength would be associated with women; encouraging them, empowering them; rather than the stereotypical 'womanizer' label that men tend to get.

But do you see where I'm going with this?

If your weakness is... your emotions; (as women...) the only reason why emotions are a weakness is because we don't know how to control them.
So if you took heed and got on top of them.. do you know how powerful you would be? When you are in tune with your emotions, you are in control, and as women we have intuition.. our intuition would be heightened and we would be able to take control of wherever we are.

But this is the understanding that I have grasped, and I know exactly what my weakness(es) are.

Take a moment to reflect, and you will find out your strength.


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