Friday 17 August 2018


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that word?
Bulging biceps? a six pack? Eight pack?

That is a particular type of strength but not the one that I'm going to address to you today.

Each and everyone of you has an inner strength that you tend to overlook. As you venture through life, and experience problems and what it may appear as situations that you think you will never come out of-- some way or another you come out of those problems, stronger than you were before.

Do you know why? Even though you maybe cried, lashed out, felt to give up-- you were still able to stand; you were still able to endure and you were still able to persevere. All of these things show that you are strong.
Life doesn't always go the way we want it to, but God is taking us down the path he has destined for us-- it will not always have a straight road-- it will be bumpy, it will be curvy, there will be some places where we slightly go off course; but as we endure in these times, we will end up where we are meant to be.

Every situation we encounter is for a purpose-- we will never see why until we come out, but one realization is that you see it makes us stronger, so when we encounter the next problem, we are able to stand even stronger than before.

Life isn't easy-- but it's worth every day, every second and every minute. Appreciate and be grateful you have the gift of life.

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