Monday 15 May 2017

7 months, behaviour and going back to work

My boy is currently 7 months and 2 weeks and I have been learning A LOT.

As a mother, you learn every single day about your child and what to do-- I've noticed something that my son does that is also a development milestone-- he knows that when he cries or he does something that will draw my attention, my attention will be on him.
Example-- he has learned how to get up from his car seat to the point where he has tipped out of it (He didn't hurt himself, don't worry) but because a couple of months back, I would always pick him up as soon as he cries, so he got used to that-- and when I caught on, I stopped.

I looked this up on google (Honestly, google becomes your best friend) and this can be called 'manipulative' behaviour; Manipulative according to is 'exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation.'

Babies are learning new things, so without even knowing it, they are doing this. We take for granted how smart they actually are-- children are very perceptive and are very observant.

Now, before you look at what I'm saying in disgust, I'm not saying my son is manipulating me, but he is doing it unknowingly because he's learning the ways of the world. Just how children learn how to throw things and drop them-- they want to know what happens when they do so. So just like this, if your child falls down and cries, and every time he does that, you come running to his rescue-- that is what he will believe and grow with that perception.

The reason why certain children become clingy, or bossy or whatever is based on their childhood and what you allow them to do. But it's our job as parents to be their guardians and to steer them when they are going off track so they don't spoil.

If this happened to you-- your child has been doing this thing where if they cry you pick them up, if they do something for your attention and you give it to them, as they grow in life and they see that doesn't always happen, it will mess them up-- but if you let them know from now, that things will not be like that all the time, things don't happen when you want them-- they will have a healthy perception of life and will not be disappointed when it comes to that.

I'm going back to work in a couple of weeks and I have mixed feelings. I NEED to go back to work financially wise, and it will be good for my boy to get used to not seeing me and to break off the attachment to me-- I ecen sense a hint of separation anxiety already-- because I test him by going out without him for a little while and each time I go out he cries until I get back.

Ideally I would have loved to have gone the whole year on maternity, but reality has kicked in and it would be beneficial for the both of us.

I just can't believe how fast time is flying.

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