Tuesday 5 January 2016

It's the new year, 2016!

I refrained from posting here around the Christmas period because I was still in a reflective state of mind.

All that I have noticed is that particular things in my life are moving VERY VERY fast and I am so not comfortable with it.

But... I've also realized comfort is my biggest weakness. Being comfortable, being and feeling ok in one place... it's not good for me.. or anyone for that matter.
How do you grow? How do you progress to the next level? 

In life we need to constantly be MOVING and EVOLVING.. but that can't be done unless we push ourselves out of that comfort bubble.

This is one of my tasks this year-- to actually come out of that comfort zone. I seemed to have done a very impeccable job of convincing myself that I have come out.. but I really haven't.

Or more like.. it takes a lot of time before I decide I want to come out.

Help me Lord with this! 
I love feeling comfortable-- you know when you are in a spot in your bed where you do not want to move because you are so comfortable-- it's warm, it's cosy, and you just don't want to move!

This is the worst thing you could ever find yourself in, in life.
Nothing grows there. Nothing moves. You always stay in the same place when you are in your desired comfort zone.

But yeah... January is always a reflective month for me-- and there are so many things that I am going to do and implement..

With the STRENGTH of God.

Whoo help me Jesus.

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