Tuesday 20 October 2015

I'm in my own world

I was speaking to one of my brothers... and I said to him 'I'm just in my own little world you know... where everything is positive and shiny..'

He goes..

'Yeah. I don't get it.'

I've adopted a perspective on life where I look at everything in a positive light; and I try to look at the good in every situation-- sometimes that can make look a little oblivious and naive-- but really I'd rather think and look positively than be amongst the majority that think negatively or have given up on positivity; and have a 'glass half empty' look on life.

I always uphold hope that something better will come out of the situation.

Clearly... I am a human being and I will have days where I'm a little down-- the difference is to get up and not remain in that slump.

But yeah.. sometimes I feel like I'm in my own world with my positivity and rainbows like good ol spongebob over here:


Saturday 17 October 2015

Youtubers hustle

Well... seeing as I haven't posted... that much....

I'm going to do TWO posts today.

So... Today's Saturday... the day that I catch up on practically everything. My shows. My belongings... my LIFE. lol.

But today I was mainly catching up on my youtube vloggers.. my regulars that I try and watch during the week but I don't finish them because I fall asleep.. because I need to wake up at the crack of dawn the next day.

But yeah... I always tend to gravitate to the comment section because there are so many people with... for a lack of a better phrase; very colourful with their opinions.

But at the end of the day... these people work hard, and they get paid for what they do. They work hard to provide content for us for our viewing pleasure...

...that's THEIR hustle. I appreciate all of the vloggers. I HEART all of you. Your content is beautiful and genuine and it's great to watch when you're having a bad day, a good day, or when you just want to get away from your life a little bit,

They be hustlin' to make a living too!

They be running through the 6 with THEIR woes!

Don't ask. lol. But you know what I mean!

Everyone is trying to make a living.

Shoutout to all the youtubers-- you all are very dedicated individuals and continue what you do!

The LaVigne Life
Latoya's life



So... it's been almost a whole MONTH since I've posted in here.

That was not in any way intentional-- life gets in the way.. you know? But I have been writing... just not in here.. x_x

But. I was reminded about love earlier on this week.

Love isn't selfish.
Love is kind.
Love is patient.
Love can come with pain.. but that only validates to you that you really do love the person. You wouldn't allow someone to hurt you if you didn't love them.
Love can be so blinding that you don't see the faults of the other person.. so much so, they could be hurting you and you will never see it that way.

Most of all... love is a complex emotion all of the same... how can you hate someone so much but still love them with all of your heart?

Love... most of all.. is ACTION

Saying it is all well and good... but what have you done for the person to truly see that you mean what you say?

Love is more than an 'I love you'-- have you been there when the person has been at an all time low? What did you do?

Love is something that if it is true-- it can change someone's life for the better. I'm not just talking about love between a man and a woman, but just genuine love for one another.

And don't just wait until someone is on their death bed to finally tell them... show them while they are still on this earth!

Share the love. Everyone needs it.