Tuesday 28 April 2015

Prayers for Baltimore

Oh my God!

This is absolute madness. I know I don't live in Baltimore anymore.. but I grew up there and I can't believe what's going on.

Just as any chaotic thing will start... it started out as a peaceful protest, for a guy named Freddie Gray who died while in the custody of police. It is to be assumed that while in custody the police brutally hurt this man to the point of death; because he was alive and well when he was arrested. The reason for his arrest is unknown.
Freddie Gray is a black man.

That detail alone caused uproar in Baltimore-- and is causing schools to be closed. Riots and looting are going on everywhere and residents in Baltimore are in a state of fear.

It's so crazy that something similar has happened here right in London. The media are a focusing on the bad aspect of what's happened.. because it did start out as a peaceful protest for a genuine cause.

But only God knows what is going on..

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