Friday 7 November 2014

The Heart

So last night I felt compelled to search for scriptures in the Bible concerning the heart-- while simultaneously catching up with 'The Leftovers'  (not to mention it was the most disturbing episode to date that I have watched...)

Anyway. This scripture popped out at me :

Proverbs 4:23
'Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.'

I went 'Wow..' what you do.. is a reflection of what is in your heart-- that's the understanding I gained. But the only question that I had is how do you guard your heart? There's a difference between guarding and letting your heart becoming so cold that you don't even care about anything anymore. 

I have a feeling guarding is in line with the control of emotions.. but that scripture spoke to me because the things that I do.. unless i'm upset or angry-- actually even if i am those things, I still do the things I usually do.. but just I'm fuming with fire inside. 

But.. I'll grasp it somehow.. and I think it will actually help me because I wouldn't say my heart is fragile.. but I can get quite emotional and when people say things.. even if they are a jokey.. they still mean something, because despite someone saying 'I'm kidding' there's truth behind every joke..
So I'll once again over think and be like 'Well.. why did you say that then?' Then my heart will sink.. etc.


But.. I believe it's a scripture to just advise that your heart should be pure and to keep it that way it needs to be guarded so that it doesn't fill with hate..

Either way.. it did speak to me one way or another.. constant self improvement.

Then.. I even googled 'scriptures for a trouble heart'

I felt troubled.

And I was led to John 14:1

'Do not let your heart be troubled, You believe in God, also believe in me'


My goodness.

I smiled, looked up and went, 'God'. 

It's only one sentence but it speaks multitudes. It's right smack bang in the face to God.. like 'Well.. you believe in God.. so.. why is your heart troubled? Trust him.'

Sometimes things become overwhelming and you start to take matters into your own hands.. when really that's why God is there.. he wants our burdens, 'Cast your burdens onto me for I care for you' 1 Peter 5:7

My heart is a little more at ease.. but I still have worries lingering around in my mind..

Jeez.. peace must prevail.


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