Friday, 21 March 2014

Published baby!

So last night was an amazing night for me as a writer.
My writing was picked to be part of an anthology of writers from my university, Roehampton.
Seeing it on the printed page was an amazing feeling.. And seeing my name in the contents page and my bio at the back just made me think 'Ok... I can do this'

The story in the anthology was actually a university assignment I did during my creative writing course that I submitted to be part of the competition when I was still at uni (the creative writing day has been going on for a while)
And the assignment was to literally sit at a train station, cafe, bus stop etc and listen to conversations. Believe. I heard some conversations.. But why that convo struck me the most is because of the language... The aim of the assignment was the to capture dialogue, and it was out of my comfort zone.

Minus the language, (profanity lol) I like the story because even though it's short, you see as you read that there's a little more depth to the two boys and by the language you can kind of tell their age.. And I lived by the sacred rule of writers, 'show don't tell!'

And even more unreal I got asked for my autograph! Me? Little old me?
Who knows, it may be worth something one day.

But I've been so inspired by that night, and I have so many unfinished stories.. I think may even compile some and make a series...

All in all.. I thank God.


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