Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Laptops, Lessons, Desires...

I've been deprived of my laptop for 2 months.

Withdrawal symptoms are kicking in!!

But anyway, besides that.. I feel so liberated right about now!

Have you ever had such a desire to be able to be the answer to everyone's problems? Or to have the answer to everyone's problems?

It's a stupid desire.

You know why? Because we're not God.. and if we EVER had the ability to have all of the answers.. we would destroy everyone that we know.

The things people want (or supposedly need) may not even be what they need OR want, but it's something that they see and THINK that they need for that specific moment.

So..  I'm not completely shutting down that desire-- but more realizing that there are other things that people people need like love, or a shoulder to cry on, or a sympathetic ear.

Not cigarettes, or alcohol or something that will temporarily alleviate feelings of sadness, loneliness.. etc but something that they need to soothe their SOUL.. a word, for them.

Bad company corrupts good morals, it says in the book of Proverbs, and the last thing you want to be is a person influencing someone to do bad, or even worse, giving in to their bad habits so you won't feel as if you're being a bad friend-- in their eyes of course.

And.. we ask so many questions in life that we really don't need the answers to at that present moment in time because we may not have the correct understanding or we're not really meant to know until later on down the line.

When I sit down and reflect about everything I always learn something-- and I'm not sure if it's only me that does this but I heavily analyse myself each day.. the stuff I say, the way I behave and revisit the moments where as soon as i've done something, I go 'Maybe I shouldn't have done that../said  that..'
And then regroup myself.

It's all part of improvement.. like I said previously.. this year is a year of improvement for me.. because I need to start making a mark!

And it's so beautiful today! <3

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