Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Multiple Blessings

So today was a big day for my little one... He had his first set of immunisations.
One thing about being a parent; even if you are scared.. You have to not let it show to your children. They know.
I wasn't scared but I just didn't want him to feel pain-- and the needles that were used were absolutely HUGE; and he had to have three of them go in his tiny legs.
Aww my boy! I really felt for him.. But I just consoled him and cuddled him and moments later he fell asleep.
Even when I got home he was still sleeping.
I've just been spoiling him with kisses and cuddles-- he's a little fussy but still in good spirits. Unfortunately he has to do it all again in 4 weeks *cries*

One thing I've noticed about being a mom.. I have received so many gifts for Jeremiah and the exact time I need it. Today for example I received a little gift box with a sleeveless vest, booties and a hat. I was just saying that I needed to get him a new hat.. And voila!
The little blessings really count and I'm grateful to God for each person that thinks to get Jeremiah something.

It's quite amazing when I think back. I don't know how I can extend my gratefulness.

Now back to attending to my J :) x

Monday, 19 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Intuition

I'm sure God deposits something in all mothers in regards to their children.. So they can tend to their specific needs.
Through the night my darling boy has been a bit fussy with sleep.
I noticed that he sounded a bit snuffly.. His nose was bunged up with snot so I cleared it out for him and he fell asleep.
Funnily enough while he was asleep (I don't fall asleep straight away) I read an article on 'Ways to get your baby to sleep better' and one of the ways was to clean baby's nose; when they're snuffly they struggle to doze off to sleep.


He then woke up a little restless and wriggly.. So I decided to take him downstairs to calm him down. The room was a little warm, while downstairs was a little cooler. As soon as I sat with him downstairs and held him he started to nod off to sleep.

He's currently sleeping on my chest because that's where he seems most comfortable for now. He can sleep in his crib but it seems that's not his place of choice today!
This won't become a habit... Routine's have yet to be put in place..

But it's definitely important to be in tune with your intuition... It's always right.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Daily balances of life

As i'm writing this Jeremiah (my son) is sleeping.
When I was pregnant, I wondered how I would balance writing as well as everything else.. Because having a baby is no easy feat! It's a very huge responsibility.
I believe I have been blessed.. My baby is yet to be a handful.. He is a very chilled baby once he's had the basics.. Clean bottom, full belly, comfortable clothes etc.
Once in a while he gets fussy but that's baby for you.

The only time you really have time to yourself is when baby is off in dreamland. You can get the washing done, reading done, have conversations with the other half (well... You can do this when baby is up but you have no distractions when baby's sleeping) and for me personally this is my time to get my writing done!

You start to become more confident as your baby gets older.. I will be totally honest I was a little wobbly at the start and slightly doubted myself.. But so many people kept telling me that I would be a good mum so I encouraged myself with that and here I am!
Do not use the excuse that you have a baby so you can't do something.
All things are possible.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Living with a newborn: Heightened maternal instincts

It is currently 5:23 in the morning and I had to just attend to my wailing 2 month old who I mistakenly woke up.
I was feeding him.. And he fell asleep. (Babies get drunk off breast milk lol)
I wanted to change him so that he would feel more comfortable-- which was a mistake-- he woke up upset and started crying up a storm for what felt like half an hour but was only a couple of minutes! The other half wasn't impressed but also needs to understand crying is the only form of communication that babies have at this age.
My heart literally melted. I felt so bad. I disturbed his breast milk drunken sleep. It reminded me of the episode of Friends when Rachel had her baby and woke her up and couldn't get her back to sleep.

After all of the 'shhh's' and rocking back and forth he dozed back off to sleep.
Knowing how my son is.. It was more than likely he was going to wake up again to feed.
In the space of about 10 minutes he woke up again for a feed!
I fed him.. And off to sleep he went again.

My son wakes up around 6; he is an earlybird-- not entirely sure if that will change in the coming months-- but my sleep is done with until later on in the day because he will wake up very soon. Lol

I already have a very good intuition... But with having this baby I have really been following on instinct and I have yet to be wrong.. It must be something that comes with being a mother. You get a very strong vibe when it comes to your child and when you go with it you will see that the vibe you got was accurate.
It can be from baby's clothes.. If they're comfortable.. If they don't like something..

It's quite cool if you ask me. Lol

Now.. Back to my youtube videos. :)

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Living with a newborn: 2 months and the continuous battle for sleep

So today. I have had 3 hours sleep.
This is a regular occurence.. Mind you some days are better than others. But today has been particularly challenging. J woke up for a feed and was awake until around 10 this morning.
He would fall asleep in bouts of 10-15 minutes and wake up again.
Today he was particularly fussy due to tiredness.
But through extensive google research(yes.. Google is my best friend) my baby boy is currently going through a growth spurt!
He meets all of the criteria.. Eating more, fussy, up most of the night...
Thankfully it doesn't last long.. And all it means is that he is growing, which is a very reassuring thing.

More experiences to come :)

Monday, 12 December 2016

Living with a newborn: 2 months old

First of all.. Thank you Lord for my son reaching 2 months old.
He is growing beautifully and I can only thank God that he is keeping him and protecting him.

Raising a newborn is not easy! But it is totally worth it. In these past two months I have learnt a lot about myself and my son.
You begin to distinguish the real cries from the fake; the cries that mean hungry, tired, bored etc-- you start to see the personality of the child unfolding before your very eyes.
It is such a beautiful thing to witness.
In particular for me.. The struggle at the moment is getting him to sleep. He loves to battle with going to sleep. It is absolute madness. I will never understand why babies fight sleep so hard!
But what i have seen is my patience has now become a lot because babies learn gradually.
I'm seeing that my son is very happy and smiley when he doesn't need anything and i am so grateful. He's very observant and looks like he likes very colourful things.

It causes me to reflect back to the time I was having him and all I wanted to do was see his face-- so many thoughts ran through my mind when I held him for the first time... Will I be a good mum? How am I going to raise him?
But it's been 2 months already and he has changed so much.
There were so many positive declarations I made about him when he was still in my tummy that I am beginning to see.
I'm learning about myself.. When it comes to raising a baby you really have to sacrifice and put the child first. It is no longer just about yourself.

I can only pray that God will continue to protect him and keep him.

More will unfold in the coming months.. :)